⋅ Long, woven ristras of paint-dotted tampons, hanging like peppers
⋅ Animated GIF of Pruitt-Igoe demolition (Source)
⋅ Mini tampon installation under clear riser
⋅ Tampon installation lamp with birch veneer under clear riser
⋅ Tampon installation extension lines
⋅ Sculptural tampons, à la Trevor Oakes' Matchstick Bowl
⋅ USB rings and/or pendants
⋅ Framed painted glass
⋅ Thrift store shirts --> chandelier conversion
⋅ Sculptures based on collected images from dreams
⋅ Full-size, Technicolor paintings of notebook sketches
⋅ Skull-handled rubber stamps
⋅ Exhibit and/or series based on art capsules/reviews
⋅ Continue one-off collage series
⋅ Create magnet-anchored fabric door for cubicle
⋅ A continuing series of photos from above of my pen jar
⋅ Catnip dreidel
⋅ Psy fish dream
⋅ Create new site to replace Langmaker and Metaplasm
⋅ Sculpt peg-hole foot from dream (would look good in wood)
⋅ Sculpt T-rex-headed girl
⋅ Sculpt fish-mouth clay purse
⋅ Find way to make silhouette bunny horned glasses
⋅ Sculpted black bamboo USB key
⋅ Horrifying meat-grinder water cannon attacks
⋅ Dinosaur-rimmed "smoking crater" ashtray
⋅ Clay "shoe flora" sculpture
⋅ Stained glass pinwheel
⋅ Poured glass stalagmites
⋅ A shimmering peacock lotus octopus girl, like a folk-art goddess
⋅ Weekly three-panel comic, Pullquotes. All boxed up and ready to go!
So incendiary they had to be boxed out!
⋅ Clear pie and tortes, oozing clear goo
⋅ Clay man, standing, with Facebook profile and/or blog projected on him (light-sensitive paint?)
⋅ Mushrooms growing, after the rain
⋅ Tampon macrame
⋅ An inside-out pizza, crust on the outside, that looks like a man's belly
⋅ Marshmallow --> mushroom taxonomy
⋅ Image or installation: a bed scattered with rosy insect wings, rather than rose petals
⋅ Comic: "My hair has let go of a lot of strands lately / Maybe an infusion of capital will help,"
i.e. cash for Rogaine
⋅ Comic of this haiku: "Each weekday I wake / 7 a.m.: strip, shower / What is the problem?"
Two versions: Shaking fist at neighbor, stripping loudly
⋅ Clay sculptures with heat-sensitive "mood" paint
⋅ A necklace of strung-together metal pen tops and pieces
⋅ Create some of these
⋅ Pen sconce
⋅ Grater lamp
⋅ Recycled-material luminaries/pendant lamps
⋅ A lamp that's also a marble run for kids
⋅ Lobster goblets!